Patch notes 0.6.0

Version 0.6.0

User Interface

  • Build Menu visuals updated

    • Silo & Office shows resource generation

    • Replaced “Owned” with “Built”

  • Silo Hay production & consumption visuals updated

  • Updated horse trait popup with correct sprite shape and colors

  • Backing out of Competition should now return the player to the Estate

  • Horse Creation:

    • Coat summary is now back!

    • Selecting a height below 148cm will display a “Pony” text, informing the player that the horse will be classified as a pony. Also added an information button

  • Horse Market:

    • Clicking on traits & temper will show correct information

  • iPad related issues fixed:

    • Horse Market - Trait icons showing outside panels are fixed

    • Avatar Creation - Hair tip color selection is no longer showing offscreen

    • Horse Creation - Horse Trait selection no longer is showing offscreen

    • Training - Fixed text-clipping

    • Training - Background image is now covering the whole screen

Trail rides

  • Broken jumping challenges caused the jump counter to go over target count, and has now been fixed


  • Fixed collection view to display a set collection

    • Added a visual update when purchasing a collection bundle to only display the price of the remaining items

Competition lobby

  • Fix for the horse and rider renderer if the selected horse has been sold

Horse stats

  • Fix for stat progress bars to update correctly when leveling up a stat

Horse Market

  • Correct horse portrait is now displaying in the horse market

Horse info

  • Visualisation of stat debuffs in the horse info panel