The Pinto coat


After much anticipation, Pinto Coats have gracefully found their way into the game!

Patterns for breeds

The Swedish Warmblood will have the Tobiano pattern.

As for the Quarter horse & the Thoroughbred, they will have the Frame Overo pattern.

Would you like to have a horse with the Tovero pattern? You will be able to achieve this by breeding.

Pinto in the horse creator

In the horse creator you will be given the option to choose several variants of the pattern. You can then adjust the expression and the fall-off. Happy with the coat but want right to be left and left to be right? There is an option to flip the pattern!


Want another purebred with a pinto coat? Or perhaps a beautiful crossbreed? Breeding with a horse that has a pinto coat should help you achieve that. Or go for the Tovero pattern, only available through breeding.


We got some new head markings

Some are for the pinto coats specific but we also have added a few standard ones.

Pinto coat specific:


✨Personal message from Anthea✨

I’m on a vacation right now to renovate my home. But after I return I will record a video with our programmer & lead of the Pinto project Jasmine. Click the following button if you have any pinto related questions. I will try to put as many of them as possible in the interview.

Also in this update

We’ve made some improvements in the ‘Create a horse’ scene. Where confetti will be thrown and it will possible to share your newly purchased horse to your socials.

Monetization update

As part of the neccesary monetization that we are going through right now, it has become clear that the prices of the hard currency horses in the trailer need to be raised.

But we’ve also heard your feedback, so we want to give more possibilities to earn more coins in the game. We started with adding the ‘watching an ad for 3 coins per 20 hours’. We have now also made some changes in the daily rewards. Previously it was uncertain that coins were included in the daily rewards, with the possibility of it sometimes only being 3 coins.

It is from this update on guaranteed that you can earn 18 coins per week if you log in daily. With them being seperated in 3 coins, 6 coins and on the 7th day, 9 coins.

To sum it up, earning coins in the game can now be done with watching an ad every 20 hours and logging in daily every week.

We also changed the UI to show the actual rewards that are up ahead.

Bug fixes

The avatar is no longer stuck in the riding animation when the horse bucks

Breeding is here!

This is the very start of a new pillar of ETG: breeding!

When setting out to design the breeding feature, we knew we wanted a system realistic enough for breeding enthusiasts, that was still fun and approachable to all players. We have made extensive research into horse genetics and set up systems that imitates real life genes - actually, there’s an entire new tab in the horse info panel, where players can take a closer look at each horse’s DNA string. This genetic setup determines both what the horse looks like, and what personality it has. ETG horses both have realistic genes for appearance, such as agouti, red, cream and so on - and also our very own genes that determines its temperament, traits and more. We’re very excited to let you deep dive into the genetics and explore how the horses are built up under the hood.

With this first version of breeding comes 7 new coats: red dun, dunalino, dunskin, smoky cream, perlino, smoky black and smoky grey dun. Each of these come in several variants. As we continue to add coats, more and more possible coat outcomes will be enabled as we fill out all the gene variations. Champagne, Roan and Pangaré are just a few genes that we will further explore down the line. And of course - patterns! Needless to say, we’re very excited about the future of breeding.

In order for existing horses to be able to breed correctly, they will now be assigned genes, which they didn’t have before. The next time you update ETG, your horses will get genes that correspond to their look & personality, so that they can pass on their characteristics in a correct manner.

We’re very excited to bring true crossbreeding to ETG. Players can mix breeds freely, and if doing so, the foal will inherit its physical appearance from both its parents. If an Arabian and Friesian are bred, the foal will be an actual mix of the two - instead of getting the 3D model from one of them, for example. As far as I know, this hasn’t been done in the 3D horse game world before, and this will enable our players to create truly unique horses.

Inheritance quick tips!

- Coat color is inherited via genes & not randomized (note that the correctness of the coat outcome will improve as we add more coat colors!)

- The foal’s model will be an accurate mix of all existing breeds it is made up from

- The foal will inherit a mane and tail style that is allowed from one of the parents’ breed (down the line players will be able to change hairstyles)

- The foal will get a height in between, or slightly smaller or bigger than the parents

- For each stat, the foal will get a potential in between, or slightly over or under the parents’ stat (in this version, there’s no way of affecting this through gameplay)

- Temperament is inherited via genes (hint: check the TZ gene!)

We’ve included 2 new traits that work independently from other traits: “Purebred” and “Certified Purebred”. ETG players will know that we already have a competition class, Breeder’s Cup, reserved for purebred horses of each breed. This is to give all horses a fair and meaningful way to compete against peers with similar qualifications. Breeder’s Cup will continue to be open for horses with the new Purebred trait - that includes all horses bought from the Market or Created Horses, but not crossbreds. In order to be considered a Purebred, a horse needs to be >90% of one breed. So, you can mix breeds to breed for certain characteristics or stats, and then breed back to 90% of the original breed, and then have a horse that’s considered a Purebred. The horse also needs to be within the size span for that breed.

However, in order to reach the criteria of the other trait, Certified Purebred, the horse also needs to have an appearance that is allowed according to the ETG breed registry. This means that for example, Friesians are only allowed in a black coat color, and no markings are allowed except for a white star (check out the Wiki for the full breed registries!). The Certified Purebred trait has no effect on gameplay today.

Regarding inbreeding, the player will be prevented from inbreeding horses too much in ETG. If a horse appears in both horse’s family trees, those horses cannot breed.

The actual breeding takes place in a new building called the Breeding Facility. It’s built from the Estate view and like other buildings, it has 10 levels. Every other level adds a breeding slot, and every other level makes the gestation time shorter!

A breeding slot is occupied when: two horses are mating, a mare is in gestation, or a foal is born and waiting to be sent to the stables.

Today, mating two horses takes 4 hours. When the mating is finished, the stallion is sent to the stable and can be used again, while the mare remains in the breeding facility and the gestation starts. During this time, the mare will rest and cannot be used for riding, training etc. The gestation lasts several days, but the wait gets shorter with a higher level building. After the foal has been born, the mare needs a few days to recover before she can breed again, but during this time she can be trained and competed as usual.

Pedigree! A horse now has a pedigree tab in the stable view. Here, players can see the horse’s family tree and some information about the parents and grandparents. More stuff will be added here too!

Ageing was a mechanic we until very recently planned to ship with this version of breeding, but sadly we had to scratch it to be able to finish this update in time. We plan to add it as an update as soon as possible after summer.

This is the very first version of breeding. Small quality of life things we want to add are tooltips in the gene tab so players can read more about the genes. Being able to expand the coat probability calculator when breeding to read in letters which coats have a % chance of inheritance. And many, many other things. In this version, foals will start as 4 year olds, but we will of course add proper foals later on! We plan on bringing big updates to this feature for some time to come, this is really only the beginning. So, while we get back to work, we sincerely hope you will enjoy breeding in ETG. Thank you all for playing!

Breeding Update!

The breeding feature is well underway & is currently being tested! As we’re ironing out the final bugs on this feature, we’ve decided to postpone the breeding release date a bit & is aiming to get it done with a 1 week delay (June 21).

This is our goal (nothing is set in stone in game development) but this will hopefully give the dev team the time to make the feature stable & ready!

This will be a major update! All the ETG horses will be assigned actual genes!


We’ve taken the hard decision to postpone the global launch
Dates is now:
The Global Launch: June 8th
The Breeding: June 14th

We know you’ve been eagerly waiting for the launch + the breeding, but we want to ensure the BEST gaming experience for our players, which is why we’re taking the extra time needed to make sure we’re comfortable sending our game out to the world!

Given the current timeframe, the new launch date will also ensure that new players join when there’s a completely new season starting! This way, we avoid new players not having enough time to finish the previous season. We promise to bring back old seasons in the future too!

Molly will do a Instagram Live this Wednesday at 4pm, (GMT+2) where she’ll talk about the new date + answering you questions

New Course Source competition!

It's time to start preparing the next competition season!
We're now open for course submissions once again, so time to start building! If your course gets selected, we will create it in-game and credit you (optional) with your name (or nickname) in the game's competition view. The course will stay on during the entire next season. We might have to make small changes to your design to make it work in-game Anyone can submit courses, whether you're a player or not. Feel free to try this out, we're just happy to see your designs You can submit as many courses as you want, and they can be any difficulty level. The level doesn't have to be precise, but just to give us an idea of the arena size & jump height you're thinking!

More specific info in our Discord, in the channel called: 'the-course-source''

Good luck! 🤞 ⁠

Welcome to our new bug board!

Hey Equestrians!

We finally have a new solution for community reporting & tracking ETG bugs:

Here, you can see which bugs have been reported and check what’s in progress or has already been fixed. Use the upvote feature on existing bugs to let the team know that you’re experiencing this issue too! You can also comment on existing issues if you want to add information such as bug replication steps or which device the bug appears on.

When should you submit something to the board?

If you are experiencing a bug, crashing, freezing or issue with gameplay, please report it! Before you make a new bug, do a search and see if your issue has already been reported. Then you can upvote that instead, and make a comment if you want.

When will a bug be fixed? 

The team is working on many things not visible on this board, like new features or other issues! But as soon as we’ve made progress, we will move the bugs to a new column in the roadmap, so that you know when something is ready! 

What is the “Needs more information” column?

Sometimes we cannot replicate a bug, and therefore we don’t know what caused it. In those cases, we need more information on how to make the bug happen. Feel free to add comments to these bugs so we can get more leads on how to tackle it!

What’s the difference between the Backlog and To-Do?

The backlog is the list of issues we’re aware of. The To-Do column are the issues we’re about to start working on next.